When it comes to RV maintenance, many owners are well versed in what to look for and how to care for their home away from home. One part of the RV that is often overlooked by many owners is the roof. The roof of an RV is a crucial component that also needs routine maintenance. In this article, we are going to cover some useful tips for maintaining your RV roof.

Monitor For Damage

When we think of our RV’s we think of a sturdy vehicle that can stand up to just about anything, and really, it can. However, there is one element that will cause damage regardless of the material used for your RV roof, and that element is water.

Any type of small crack can easily go from a small issue to a large one with just a single rainstorm. Leaks to the inside of your RV can cause significant damages and if left untreated, may lead to additional issues including the growth of molds. If you plan on traveling to cold regions where snow and ice are present, these leaks pose an additional threat as any trapped water will freeze and thus expand the present cracks into something more serious.

The second element that can cause significant damage to an RV is trees and tree branches. Low hanging limbs can scrape along the top of the roof, potentially damaging or wearing down the material while easily puncturing and penetrating the rubber membrane located on the roof.

For this reason, anytime you run across low hanging branches and hear that noticeable ‘scraping’ sound on your roof, take a moment at your next stop to give everything a quick glance to ensure no damage was done.

General RV Roof Maintenance

Maintaining your RV roof is easier than it sounds, and should be a top priority for all RV owners. During routine cleanings and inspections of your entire RV body, take a moment to safely head up to the roof. If your RV does not come with a ladder, this can be a good indicator that your roof is most likely not stable enough for walking on. In these instances, it is highly recommended to take your RV in for a rooftop inspection so as to avoid any accidents or injury.

Any RV rooftop that is rubber, should receive a proper cleaning at minimum four times per year, while other materials such as aluminum and fiberglass are okay to be cleaned twice per year.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining your RV roof is as simple as keeping it clean and monitoring for damages. If you have an RV and notice some damages or chipped paint while you’re in the Sonoma County area, give Downtown Autobody a call. The expert staff will be able to assist you with your repair and repainting needs.