As a car owner, the last thing any of us want is for it to suffer any damage. Even something as small as a little dent, scratch, or ding can be disheartening. Whether you’ve just acquired a new to your vehicle, or have had one for a while now and want to keep it dent-free, be sure to follow these steps to help keep it safe!

Avoid Other Vehicles

Tempting as that closer parking space may be, it’s also the zone of potential dents. If you’re visiting a full and congested parking lot, take a drive to the back and steer clear of the congestion. Give you and your vehicle plenty of room to avoid being struck by other vehicle doors and the shopping carts of those shoppers who just aren’t paying attention.

Observe Your Surroundings

When we get into a hurry, it’s easy to miss that post or pole right next to our door as we swing it open to get out. Taking those few extra seconds can be the difference between a dented and scratched door, and prevented heartache at damaging your new vehicle. Taking a moment to slow down will pay off in the long run.

Talk With Your Children

It’s no secret that kids can be rambunctious at times. More often than not children are lost in the moment and don’t see the big picture of what could go wrong if they swing their door wide open, or push the shopping cart too fast. Then at home, if the kids are playing they may misjudge how close your vehicle is to the swing of the bat or while throwing or kicking balls.

Speak with your kids about safety around vehicles, not just for them, but for your vehicle as well!

Use A Garage Or Carport

If you have a safe place to park your vehicle, use it! Despite the nice weather typically experienced in Rohnert Park, this doesn’t necessarily protect your vehicle from the unknown. Strong storms can easily blow branches and various debris onto your vehicle, causing scratches and dents.

Final Thoughts

While we will all eventually experience one form of ding or another to our beloved vehicles, there are precautions that we can take so that these mishaps happen later than sooner. If you find yourself with some dings, dents, or scratches and are located in the Sonoma County area, give Downtown Autobody a call today!