Downtown Autobody

What To Do About A Car Accident

Car crashes happen unexpectedly and certainly unplanned- that’s why we call them accidents. If you’ve been in a car accident and your vehicle has been damaged, there are things you can do for your protection and peace of mind.

We’ve written this article for you so you’ll know:

  What Happens After a Car Accident?

If you’ve just been in a car accident, first make sure that you are safe and free from harm. Seek immediate medical attention if necessary.

Hopefully no one is injured. Either way, the best thing to do is call the police. This will create a record of the incident and provide evidence for use later.

After you check on everyone involved in the accident, stay on the scene and wait for police to arrive. Exchange insurance and vehicle information with anyone else involved in the accident. If there any witnesses to the accident, it may help to talk with them. Also, be sure to take pictures of your car and any other vehicles involved.

 What Can I Do About Damages From My Car Crash?

You’ll need to get in touch with your insurance company. They will ask you questions about the circumstances surrounding the accident. This is where you’ll want to present any evidence you have from the scene of the accident and/or any records that relate to the event.

If there are other parties involved in your accident, the insurance companies will determine who is liable and responsible for paying damages. All of these specifics are dependent on the individual car accident, your insurance policy and a host of other factors.

 How Can I Make My Vehicle Safer and Avoid Accidents?

Analyze what caused the accident to happen. Without admitting any fault, for legal reasons, consider what you might have done differently during the situation.

When driving, always be sure to stay alert and adhere to all traffic laws. Never drive angry or when you’re in a hurry. Avoid distractions while driving, such as cell phone use.

Before you drive your vehicle again, make sure it’s been repaired by a professional mechanic or auto body technician. Don’t take a car out on the road before it’s ready.

 We’re Here to Help

We know that life after a car accident can be tough. That’s why we want to help you get back on your feet.

At Downtown Autobody, we can repair your vehicle – both the auto body and the paint.

We also offer loaner vehicles so you can get back in your routine while we fix your car.

If you’ve been in an accident, and you need help with your car, contact us today.

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