Downtown Autobody

What to Do After a Fender Bender?

car accident freeway


Great, you hit the car in front of you; they seemed to appear out of the blue. This is just fantastic (sarcasm)…just another event to add to your bad luck pile for the year. You haven’t had a fender bender or any sort of vehicle accident in years, so you aren’t completely sure what to do in the correct order. You definitely don’t want to accidentally forget a step in the process and end up paying for it in the end.

What are you supposed to do in this situation?

Well, quite a few things…so buckle up and pay attention!

According to Allstate, first and foremost get medical care if needed then contact the police to file a report. Even if the damage is minimal, you’ll want to be able to cover yourself if the other party comes back and says that “x, y, and z” happened or even try to claim that pre-existing damage was your fault. There are a lot of sneaky people out in the world and you never know who you’re going to get into an accident with (hopefully NO ONE though…). Make sure that you get information about obtaining the police report because your insurance company will need information from it.

Exchange information (insurance, contact, drivers license, etc.), take pictures, and take notes. Even with the police there, do what you need to do to cover yourself and make yourself feel comfortable.

Either tow your vehicle or bring it to a safe place where more damage will not be done to it. During working hours, Monday through Friday, you can have your vehicle towed directly to our shop in Rohnert Park, CA.

Now is the time to contact your insurance company. Let them know you were in an accident, provide them all necessary information, and let them know which towing company took your vehicle. No matter whose fault the fender bender was…still contact them.

If your vehicle needs to be towed, give the towing company permission to release your vehicle to your insurance company (if you have full coverage). They will have professionals get it from the towing company and bring it to a repair shop (sometimes they have certain shops they work with) to investigate and obtain an estimate of the damage.

The same day as your accident, go to a doctor or make a plan with a chiropractor; you will more than likely feel it the next day. It is better to be safe than sorry.

When you have full coverage, the insurance company is going to look at how much the vehicle is currently worth and how much the damage will end up costing you; this will determine whether or not the claim the vehicle as a total loss.

Your deductible will need to be paid before the insurance company will pay out.

If you were at fault, your insurance company will be receiving a call from the other party’s company based off of the information you exchanged.

According to the Injury Claim Coach, ‘In a no-fault insurance state, your medical bills will be paid under your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, no matter who caused the collision. Otherwise, you’ll file an injury claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance company.’

Car repairs aren’t covered by no-fault insurance. You may use your collision coverage, subject to a deductible, or make a claim against the other driver’s insurance company.

After you tend to your pain and business side of things, attend to your emotional wounds. Don’t stay upset…everything will work itself out…these things happen. Go take a hot bath in epsom salt then alternate ice and heat on your sore spots. Let it all go!

No one wants to be involved in a fender bender. The process can be a headache for both parties, literally and figuratively. But knowing what to do and who to call prior to an accident can save you time and frustration.

If your vehicle ever requires repair due to an accident, contact Downtown Autobody right away; they can help you with your paint or body repair needs.

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