Downtown Autobody

The Importance of Eco-Friendly Car Paint

paint car in rohnert park

Did you know that your car’s paint job could have an impact on the environment? Many are surprised to learn that car paint can have a negative effect on both nature and their health. This post will explore more about eco-friendly car paint and the benefits it offers.

Eco-Friendly Car Paint vs. Traditional Car Paint

Many car paints contain compounds that can be harmful not only to the environment but to your health. Unlike traditional car paint which uses solvents for the base, eco-friendly options rely on water as a base.

When traditional car paint is applied, it will release petrochemicals. These have a strong aroma that emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which have been known to cause air pollution. They also irritate your respiratory system and can result in coughing and sneezing.

Eco-friendly car paint doesn’t do this. Instead, when sprayed, will release a significantly lower amount of VOCs because it’s diluted with water.

Benefits of Eco-Friendly Car Paint

There are many additional benefits that this car paint offers.

Are There Downsides?

This type of paint has plenty of benefits, but there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. One is that because it’s water-based, the final layer might look a bit darker than when it was first applied. Due to this, you’ll usually need to have a few layers done.

You’ll also need to be careful when driving your car. Eco-friendly paint is thin, so any scrapes and dents will be much more noticeable than with traditional paint.

In addition to this, eco-friendly paint needs to be specially cared for. You’ll need to use a mild soap on it when you wash your car. You’ll also want to avoid using wax for about a month after it’s first applied. If you use it too quickly, it could unevenly stick to the surface and cause it to buckle.

All cars need to be painted so they stay beautiful and durable. However, it’s ideal to consider eco-friendly car paint which is much safer than traditional options. If you need a new car paint job or want to learn more about this type of paint, contact Downtown Autobody in Rohnert Park, CA. We’ll be happy to serve you and answer any questions you might have.

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