Downtown Autobody

Removing Stains from Cloth Car Upholstery, An All-Purpose Guide

To successfully remove a stain from your cloth car seat, you can either purchase a foam stain removal product or try a household cleaner you already have on hand, like laundry detergent, vinegar, baking soda, or dish soap.

Whatever cleaner you choose, always begin by thoroughly vacuuming the seats. Be sure to remove any loose debris, crumbs and dirt from the seams of the upholstery.

Removing Stains from Car Seats, An All-Purpose Guide

Cloth Seats

If using a foam spray cleaner, spray a light coat of fabric cleaner or cloth cleaner on to the seat. Be sure not to overdo it and soak the area. Then use a clean, soft interior brush to brush the area you have just sprayed.  Do not spray a new area until you have brushed the area just sprayed!

As the foam begins to lift the dirt, use a microfiber towel to wipe away the dirty suds before they dry.

Then you move on to the next small area, spray and repeat. It could take 3 to 6 coats to clean an area.

You can vacuum all cleaned areas for faster drying. Don’t sit on the seats until they are fully dry.

If you want to try using a household cleaner you have on hand, you can try the 4 mixes below, basically following the same steps as with the spray foam cleaner.

  1. Mix a few squirts of laundry detergent in hot water and apply with a spray bottle. Gently use a microfiber cloth to wipe the area and lift the dirt and suds.
  2. Mix 250 ml of white distilled vinegar with a few drops of dish soap in a gallon of hot water. Dab this onto the seat and use your microfiber cloth to remove any suds.
  3. Mix ¼ cup baking soda in a cup of warm water. Apply lightly to the seat and scrub the stained area with a toothbrush. Let this dry for 30 minutes and blot with a towel to remove stain.
  4. Spray a light layer of club soda on the stain and brush with a clean interior brush. Repeat as needed.

Water Stains: The Wiliest Foe

When treating water stains, you will have to treat the entire seat and not just the area of the stain. You will spray the foam cleaner over the entire seat area and then follow the steps above.

Once you have cleaned your upholstery, you can maintain the upholstery by vacuuming regularly and cleaning up any future spills immediately as they happen.

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