With everything going on in the news about the environment and climate change and seeing everyone around you changing their lifestyles to become more environmentally-friendly, you decide to jump on the bandwagon. Hybrid and electric vehicles are zooming around you and you want one too.

Which one though? There are definitely a lot of positives to going green, but are there actually any negative aspects to doing so?

Doing research with so much information out there, research that is often repetitive and sometimes contradictory, can be a hassle and often frustrating and confusing.

If you are contemplating purchasing a new vehicle and are interested in either a hybrid or electric vehicle, read the following pros and cons on each.

First, let’s go over the main differences between the two types of vehicles.

Hybrid vehicles are powered by both a gas engine and electricity, which uses regenerative braking (a process where braking generates energy and stores it for future use).

Electric vehicles are powered by electricity from the use of batteries or fuel cells. There is no gas involved at all.

Hybrid Vehicle Pros

  • Hybrids emit less pollution than a solely gas-powered vehicle. Toyota claims their cars are up to 80% cleaner than conventional gas engines.
  • No plug-in required to charge a battery (unless you get the plug-in option)
  • You will get better gas mileage and go further than a traditional vehicle.
  • There are often financial benefits to purchasing a hybrid vehicle, including tax breaks and less money spent on fuel.
  • Having a hybrid ensures that you are lessening your carbon footprint.

Hybrid Vehicle Cons

  • If you’re looking for a fast car, a hybrid may not be the way to go as they do not accelerate very quickly.
  • Hybrid vehicles typically cost more up front.
  • If performance is what you are wanting and your hybrid has a battery pack, the vehicle is going to weigh more than a gas-powered vehicle.
  • Replacing hybrid batteries are much more expensive–between $5,000 and $7,000 for most hybrid vehicles. Batteries typically need to be changed between 100,000 to 200,000 miles. Yes, that’s a big range.

Electric Vehicle Pros

  • Going electric is much cleaner and greener than choosing hybrid since there is absolutely no fuel involved.
  • You can conveniently set up an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging system at home, ranging from $200 to $1,000 depending on the brand and power you need.
  • Setting up an at-home system will be cheaper in the long run than consistently charging at public charging stations.
  • With the right stickers, you get to use the HOV lanes any time!
  • Purchasing an electric vehicle will get you tax credits as well.
  • They are very easy to maintain.
  • Electric vehicle batteries can last over to 300,000 miles and Tesla is working on a 1,000,000 mile battery!
  • This is a great option for people who live and work in close proximity and who don’t use their vehicle to travel long distances too often.

Electric Vehicle Cons

  • When driving an electric vehicle, you can’t go too far without having to use a charging station; the average model can drive about 100 miles before needing to recharge, while a few models can get you up to 200-300 miles.
  • Recharging can often take a lot of time…and if you don’t have your own charging system at home, you’ll be spending a great amount of time at public charging stations.
    Your options are limited, yet these do continue to grow.

To end on a positive note with EVs: Click to read an article entitled New Long-Range, Affordable Electric Cars Coming Soon. Things are looking up and it seems as if EVs are becoming more affordable and convenient for the general population.

If you are already driving green, then you most likely are aware of the economic, personal, and environmental advantages of doing so; however, if you are still driving a traditional gasoline-powered vehicle, you may want to look more closely at the perks California offers for purchasing an electric or hybrid vehicle. It may just be worth it to make the switch.

If or when you do decide to purchase a new green vehicle, contact Downtown Autobody. They are trusted locally by friends and family and can help you with your paint or auto body repair needs.