Being able to see clearly when you’re on the road is important for your safety.

When your headlights are dim, burned out or just plain dirty, you put your very safety in serious jeopardy as your visibility is compromised, increasing the risk for an accident.

Find out how to maintain your headlights for optimum safety and visibility.

Monthly Maintenance

How many times has someone brought it to your attention that one of your headlights has burned out?

It’s just as easy to get used to dim or dirty headlights if you’ve been driving with them for any length of time.

A visible inspection will let you know if they need to be cleaned. With all the dirt, dust and debris your vehicle meets on the road each day, it doesn’t take long for the headlight lenses to become cloudy with dirt and/or grime.

If it’s been a while since you’ve cleaned the lenses, you may even notice discoloring of the lenses.

Washing the lenses off with warm, soapy water and a clean cloth may do the trick. If not, a headlight cleaning kit or professional cleaning may be in order.

Preferably once a month, check your headlights to make sure they are both clean and working properly.


Since headlights dim or lenses discolor over time, checking the brightness level of your headlights is easy by simply turning them on and shining on the garage door.

Within 5 or 6 feet away from the garage door, turn the headlights on. If they aren’t reflecting a bright white light, the bulbs should be replaced.


While the headlights are on, take note that both beams are shining evenly. Rough, bumpy roads or hitting potholes can cause headlights to become misaligned.

If the headlights appear to be shining too high, too low or at different angles, it is dangerous because they are not giving you proper visibility. Also, you may be creating a driving hazard on the road for oncoming traffic.

Visit a auto body repair shop to re-adjust the headlights to the correct position.

Changing Headlights

For information on the correct bulbs to use when changing headlights, consult your owner’s manual.

It’s also important to change both headlights at the same time. This prevents uneven brightness levels which can be a hazard to oncoming traffic in addition to possible visibility concerns for you.


A monthly visible inspection of your headlights is key to keeping safe on the road, especially during dark and rainy conditions.

Should you need your headlights changed or repaired, contact the professionals at Downtown Autobody in Rohnert Park. We have the tools to repair headlights due to driving or collision damage, in addition to all your auto paint and body needs.