Over the years, you might notice that your vehicle’s paint job starts to fade. While this can be due to age, many times it’s also because of UV rays. Below you’ll discover more about how the sun hurts your car’s exterior and a few ways you can safeguard it.

How the Sun Diminishes Your Car’s Paint

The sun’s heat and intense UV rays can fade a car’s color. While most paint is designed to withstand it, sometimes it’s still too much, especially if your vehicle is constantly left exposed outdoors.
The longer the sun beats down on your car, the more likely its UV rays will seep into its frame. This allows the rays to start deteriorating the paint’s chemicals which can turn your once vibrant car into something very dull. Sometimes, you might also notice the paint bubbling because the heat creates moisture beneath it.

Do Certain Colors Fade Faster Than Others?

You’ll find that red, yellow, and orange hues tend to dim faster than others. This is because they absorb more UV rays which invite quick deterioration.

4 Ways to Protect Your Car From Sun Damage

If you want to guard your vehicle from the sun consider these tips.

  • Park it in Shaded Areas: Cars that are parked in open, sunny areas are more susceptible to damage than those that aren’t. Because of this, do your best to park in shaded spots. You’ll also want to be diligent at keeping it in your home’s garage or under a carport.
  • Use a Windshield Cover: Most people use windshield covers to keep their car cool during the summer. But, they can also protect it from sun damage. This is because it reflects light away from your vehicle.
  • Get it Regularly Inspected: You’ll also want to be diligent about getting your vehicle regularly checked at an autobody shop. Technicians can inspect your car and highlight potential problem areas. They can also give a fresh paint coat to enhance your vehicle.
  • Wash It: Washing your car removes debris that could otherwise seep into the paint job. These particles not only make it unsightly, but more prone to sun damage.

While you can’t fully keep the sun off of your car, you can do a few things to stop it from causing severe damage. If you find that your vehicle is in need of a new paint job, stop by Downtown Autobody in Rohnert Park. Our technicians will use the latest technology to carefully refresh its color.