Downtown Autobody

Dangers of Driving Under the Influence

It’s no secret that driving under the influence is extremely dangerous. Doing so could cause a serious or fatal accident leaving you, or others, injured or worse – and driving under the influence is a crime no matter what state you live in. But there is even more to consider.

Dangers of Driving Under the Influence

The legal limit in all 50 states for driving under the influence is set at .08 percent, however, a person’s impairment begins at levels as low as .02 percent. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs impairs your judgment and reaction time immensely. Also affected are your vision, concentration and coordination skills. Judgment doesn’t just relate to driving though, it begins with “having one more” or making the decision to drive after drinking.

Driving under the influence of drugs, whether prescription or illegal, has its share of issues as well. The same impairments that affect a person under the influence of alcohol also affects those under the influence of drugs. But in addition to those effects are; impaired perception, memory and motor skills.

Drivers need to be aware of everything around them at all times, and driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs prevents that from occurring.

The Statistics

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 28 people are killed daily in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes in the United States. They’ve also found that an average of two out of three people in their lifetime will be involved in an alcohol related accident.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that in 2015 close to one-third of the traffic related deaths in the U.S. were alcohol-related.

Costs of Impaired Driving

If a person who is considering driving under the influence could think about the cost of doing so before pulling out their car keys, fewer people would decide to drive. The costs are a lengthy list and add up quickly. Costs include:

– Court fines: upwards of $2,000

– Attorney fees : upwards of $2,000

– Bail & Towing: $150 and up

– DUI education course (often required by the court)

– Impound fees

– License reinstatement fees

These are just a few examples and don’t include other costs that many don’t think about including; insurance and probation costs, potential vehicle repairs and loss of work.

Effects on Insurance

Liability insurance provides coverage for those who are covered under the policy and are involved in a motor vehicle accident. However, car insurance companies may cancel your policy should you, or someone covered under your policy, cause a motor vehicle accident due to driving under the influence. In addition, finding an insurance company to cover you after having a DUI on your record may be equally difficult.

Be safe by being mindful of impairment and driving.

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