If you’ve got a vehicle in storage until the weather turns sunny and warm, ideally you should check on the vehicle at least once every month to make sure there aren’t any unforeseen issues or problems.

Here are a few things to keep in mind while checking in on your ride.

Under the Hood

Pop the hood and inspect hoses, wiring and moving parts aren’t showing signs of wear, leaks, or appear defective in any way. Also, look for rodents or other critters that may have made a home in the engine bay.

Should you find something that needs repair, make the necessary adjustments as soon as you find them.


Depending on how long your car has been sitting in storage, the weaker the battery. By borrowing or investing in an inexpensive multimeter, you’ll be able to check the battery strength both while the engine is off and while it is running.

Replacing a weak battery now rather than later will guarantee you’ll be ready to ride when temperatures rise.

Fluid Level Check

Top off low fluid levels as needed. Cover all your bases by checking fluid levels for the oil, coolant, power steering, transmission, brakes, and windshield wash.

While checking fluid levels, also check the condition of the fluids, which may need to be flushed out and replaced with fresh stuff.

Windshield Wipers

Check the wipers to make sure they are in good condition free from wear, tears, or malfunction.


Perform an under-body inspection to make sure there is nothing damaged or leaking.


Using a tire gauge on all tires, check that the tires are holding steady at proper pressure. The recommended psi can be found on a sticker typically located in a door jamb or in your owner’s manual. If the psi is off by only slightly amount, fill the tires with air to bring them up to the correct level. If any of the tires or off by 10 psi or more, check for a leak or defective valve.

Run the Engine

As you start the car and let the engine run for a few minutes, listen for any unusual noises. If possible, take the vehicle for a short test drive to make sure everything is running smoothly.


Storing a vehicle during cooler, rainy months goes a long way to protect your vehicle body and paint. Checking in to make sure all the components, fluids and tires are in good working condition confirms that everything is in order. To keep your auto body and paint looking as good as new, call Downtown Autobody in Rohnert Park.