Many cars featured tinted windows. While most believe this is done to give privacy to drivers, window tinting provides many other interesting benefits. This post will explore the perks of vehicle window tinting and how it’s done.

4 Benefits of Window Tinting

It Blocks UV Rays: Car windows don’t always do a great job of protecting your vehicle from UV rays. While it might not seem like a major issue, over time, the strong beams can fade your car’s interior. In some cases, it could even crack your dashboard because it wears down the plastic.

It Promotes Privacy: One of the top benefits of window tinting is that it gives you privacy. The film allows you to easily look out of it but prevents others from peeking in.

It Improves Your Car’s Durability: You’ll also notice that window tinting can boost your car’s health, especially during the summer. This is because it stops sunlight from heating up your vehicle – something which can make your AC work harder and reduce your gas mileage.

It Prevents the Windows from Shattering: Because window tinting creates a thick layer over the glass panes, it better protects you from shattered glass should you be in an accident. This is because it keeps the glass fragments in place.

How Autobody Experts Tint Windows

This process is done with the help of a special polyester film. First, the technician will clean your car’s windows. This ensures that particles don’t get trapped beneath it. Once this is done, they’ll measure and then cut the film to meet the required dimensions. The film and the window will then be sprayed with an adhesive. The technician will then carefully line the film up and press it onto the window and then smooth it out with a brush.

How Long Does Window Tinting Take?

In most cases, this procedure will take about 1-2 hours. However, this time might slightly increase depending on your car’s size and the window tinting requests you have.

Window Tinting Laws

While helpful, there are sometimes laws against certain aspects of window tinting. California requires that the windshield and front windows have at least 70% VLT. Red and amber tints are also prohibited.

Window tinting is a unique detail that not only gives you privacy but helps keep your car in great condition. If you’d like to have your car’s windows tinted, stop by Downtown Autobody in Rohnert Park, CA and we’ll refer you a local window tint company.