Whenever you have an auto body job that needs to be fixed, many of us are quick to be discouraged and worry about how much money we’ll have to spend. When paint jobs alone can cost anywhere from $800 all the way up to three grand, it is a legitimate concern for many. As long as you avoid structural damage to your vehicle, you are less likely to have to break your piggy bank. Listed below however, are five of the least expensive auto body jobs that you may encounter.

The 5 Least Expensive Auto Body Jobs


Scratches are common, whether it be from a grocery cart or that guy you cut off in the parking lot, scratches are one of the most common jobs that auto-body repair shops have to deal with. They can run you anywhere from as low as $40 just to mix the paint for the most minor, but in worst case scenarios on an expensive vehicle, you can find yourself putting several hundred dollars down.

Tail Lights

Another common repair at shops all over are for cracked and broken tail lights. Like most auto body repairs, it will be dependent on what kind of vehicle you have and if your model is still having parts made, but a tail light repair or replacement can run as cheap as $40 up to $200 per light.

Cracked Windshield

Getting your windshield cracked by a rock happens all-too-often. If you leave it be, it can worsen overtime, and it is important to get it fixed quickly as many states can also fine you if you don’t. When it comes to the repair, it can be anywhere from $50-$300 depending on if it is more of a chip/hole versus a windshield-wide crack. Thankfully, it is often covered by insurance.

Suspension Damage

The extent of repair costs when it comes to suspension damage from a pothole can vary more widely than some of the other repairs on this list. Most of these will necessitate simple shock absorber swap, that can be as little as $200, but there can also be damage to the inside of your wheel-well or the undercarriage as a result.


Dents especially can be fickle, especially in relation to what the cause of the dent was, what part was dented, and whether it was plastic or metal. Minor dings that don’t need touch-up paint can sometimes be popped out relatively cheaply, especially plastic parts that haven’t broken. You may be able to keep your cost down below $200. Dents that have left holes or major dents in metal portions of your car can really run up costs though.