Most people clean their vehicles simply to make sure they look nice. But, cleaning helps with much more than just its aesthetics. A simple wash can remove debris that would otherwise form rust. It can even dislodge sharp particles that could chip your windshield and tires. This post will explore five ways you can easily maintain your car’s exterior.

5 Tips for Keeping Your Car’s Paint Clean

Be Diligent at Washing It: One of the best ways to maintain your car’s exterior is to regularly scrub it. This will prevent debris, like bird droppings, from sticking to the paint. It can also remove objects from the road, like salt and asphalt, that might cling to the exterior. Ideally, try to wash it off at least once every two weeks.

Always Check the Cleaning Agents: In some cases, you might do a good job at consistently cleaning your car, but the liquids you apply on it might be causing more harm than good, like hydrofluoric acid. Because of this, carefully investigate any soap, wax, and other cleaning tools you use. This way, you can confirm if they’re safe for your car.

Apply Wax: Waxing your cars paint once a year is easy protection. This acts as a protective layer so the paint job doesn’t get easily damaged. It also stops particles from making micro dents. You can often spray wax over it or dip a clean cloth in a paste and scrub it over the vehicle.

Use a Protective Cover: If you plan to leave your car outside, it might be good to safeguard it with a cover. This not only protects it from weather elements but harmful UV rays that could damage the paint. Your local auto parts store will carry a variety of sizes for your vehical. If you need extra care, like additional UV blockage, you can order a custom cover online.

Fix Dings and Dents: To fully ensure your car’s exterior stays clean, it’s important to fix dings and dents before they start to rust. Downtown Autobody can fix damages and prep your car to prevent future ones.

Keeping your vehicle clean can be tough, especially if you find that it often gets dirty. But, by using these tips, you can easily do so. If you’re looking for an autobody shop to assist you, in Rohnert Park, stop by Downtown Autobody. Our team will be happy to assist you and make sure your car looks spectacular.