If you’re looking to buy a bus, then you’re planning on making a big investment. Whether it’s for vacation, transportation or some other purpose, you are going to be putting a considerable amount of time and effort(not to mention money) into this bus, so it’s important to know what you’re looking for going into the sale. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

1) Inspect the Engine and Transmission

This might seem like a no-brainer, but there are a lot of things that can go wrong with big engines. Of course you’re going to give it a visual inspection and a test drive. While you’re doing this, don’t forget to inspect for leaks and other issues like this. Get under the bus and check the engine from the bottom — maybe with a rag that can help pick up any oils or other fluids that might be hidden.

2) Look at the Chassis

The chassis is the frame of the bus. If it’s bent or damaged in any way, there’s nothing to do but walk away and look for something else. You might be able to cut corners with a few things, but the chassis certainly isn’t one of them.

3) Pay Attention to Rust

A little bit of rust is expected and okay, but with a vehicle this size there’s a lot of place where rust can hide away. While you’re getting under the bus to look at the engine, chassis and other parts, pay attention to the rust as well. A little bit of rust is fine, but too much and you’re buying a bus that will literally fall apart around you.

4) Check Out the Bus’ Tires

As you can imagine, bus tires cost a lot — and there are a lot of them! This means if you’re buying a bus that needs a lot of new tires you’re looking at a lot more money to get it into shape. This is something to keep in mind when settling on a final price.

5) Don’t Worry About the Appearance Of The Bus

When people are looking for vehicles, they tend to worry too much about the superficial aspects of the bus — whether it’s clean or what the paint job looks like, etc. These sorts of items are really not worth the worry, though, as they are easily fixable and they do not really affect how the bus will actually run. If your bus is a little dirty or needs a splash of paint, Downtown Autobody and our RV paint booth are here to help!